Yoga is for every body and everybody.

Yoga can be many things. Exercise. Meditation. A way of life.

It’s your practice.

The choice is yours.

As a Hatha, multi-style, and prenatal trained yoga instructor, I can teach vinyasa flows, power for strength, restorative for release, meditation for internal balance, preparation for labour and delivery, and so much more.

Whatever your goals for balance, fitness, injury recovery, prenatal or postnatal care, or general wellbeing, yoga can help you achieve those goals.

What’s in a practice?

  • Find Balance

    Balance can be both physical and mental. A practice designed to help you find both involves meditation, breath work, and strengthening asanas (postures). You already balance every day. Let’s make that act simpler. Yoga is for every body and everybody.

  • Build Power

    Toning your muscles brings focus to the mind. Powerful flows can hone in on specific areas of the body like the core, pelvic floor, shoulders, back, or legs. You can recover from injuries in these areas with a designed practice. You name it and we will master it through the mental game of mediation for the physical gain of freedom from pain. Yoga is for every body and everybody.

  • Grow & Recover

    Transformation is the one constant in life. If you’re preparing for childbirth, on your fertility journey, or recovering from childbearing, your body is changing. A fluid practice will provide release, strength, and the mindset you seek. Wherever you are along the road to parenthood, yoga can meet you where you’re at on your mat. Yoga is for every body and everybody.